Calm my restless heart,~Matthew Harri
Take me to the eyeOf the storm.
War’s walls all around,
Peace within
Where Your presence dwells.
O, I wait!for You –I never knew it took
So much strength
To sit
So much strength
To trust.
The raging thunders of water
Seem to overflow me.
I tumble, dizzy and sleepless –
O to know what You are doing
In this moment –
This very hour –
History’s significance rests on
Take me to our secret place
Where You whisper in my ear,
Gaze into my being
With eyes of fire,
And embrace my frail body
Until it hinders me no more
From running into You,
Just to be where You are.
The weight of glory,
The majesty of royalty,
My eyes behold my King
And my heart bows low.
My mind does not wander,
For once.
My hands do not work fruitlessly,
They only extend,
Facing up,
Holding my life inside.
For it belongs to You,
My Maker.
You created this pot
Then gave it a choice:
“Be filled with your gloryor Mine?”
This pot cries out,
I cannot stand my own barrenness
I despise my own works
I am weary of my own words
I am too weak to be strong;
I yearn for Your fruitfulness
I long for Your tender healing touch
I ache to hear Your voice
I am consumed by You.
You turn me into ash
Then clothe me in brightness.
More than earthly love
Do I crave Your touch,
Your embrace
Your nearness.
Intimacy with You
Pulls my fragments together
Makes me whole and well.
But I can’t see past my Lover’s doorway!
Where can I go
But where I hear Your voice?
Chamber corners
Ricochet false echoes
And I chase nothing.
But then, O!
It is my Beloved!
Yes, that is His tone!
Wait for me,I am coming!
Yes, I am coming quickly!
Do not leave me
For Your presence is all I am.
Without it, I die.
I wither, I dry out,
I march to the same beat
as the fallen world.
I will dance to the rhythm of the King!
I will seek His face alone,
His hand alone
His embrace alone.
I have tasted, I have seen
That other lovers fall short,
Disappoint, leave me wanting,
Craving something more.
But You!
Gloriously precious is this servant
In the eyes of his King.
You have stolen me,
My life
My heart
My affections
You have won this bleeding spirit
Until the end –Then beyond.
I care not of my own,
Only of You.
Take my hand
Lead me on,
King Jesus
As deep calls unto deep
To Your chamber’s halls.
Go here to see some of the other poetry this guy's written. It's really good. I can't write poetry, but I do appreciate it very much. I love this poem.