Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Cry of Desperation

I just read in our bible reading about the blind man who cried out in the streets that Jesus have mercy on him. I see the scene in my head and it goes something like this...

The scent of sweat was heavy that day as I sat on the edge of the road near Jericho, holding out my bowl for alms. There weren't many people on the streets that morning and I didn't know if I was going to have enough money at the end of the day to buy the flatbread for my evening meal - my only meal. In the distance I could hear a commotion coming towards me slowly. Before long great multitudes of people began to pass by pressing me to stand and pushing me further and further off the road. Confused, I asked why there was such a crowd and someone told me, "The Master, Jesus of Nazareth, is passing by Jericho!" The Master - Jesus? Could this be the great Rabbi that I'd heard so much about? My cousin told me of how He recently healed ten lepers in a village of Galilee. There was rumor that He was the Messiah, the one we'd waited for. I'd heard that He healed the blind before - perhaps He would heal me? But how would He even see me? There were many people here, I heard voices all around me.. How could I get His attention? How do I even know where He is? The craziest thought came to me, so before I could stop myself I lifted up my voice and began to cry out, "JESUS! Son of David! Have mercy on me! Jesus! Have mercy on me!" I felt heat rush up my face in embarrassment as I struggled to make myself heard over the crowd of voices. The people closest to me grew quiet and I could feel their judgmental stares. I pushed aside my shame and continued to cry, "Have mercy on me Jesus! JESUS!" Someone nudged me roughly and said "Be quiet man - don't disturb the master with your yelling!" Even still, as the crowd continued to move past me I lifted my voice louder, straining to make myself heard. I couldn't stop now - there was hope! Hope that I would see the Son of God! Desperation grew in me I cried out with an urgency, "Son of David, Have mercy on me! Jesus!! Have mercy on me!!" I felt I would die if I did not see Him!

I soon realized that the constant shove toward the city had ceased. So I paused to see if I could hear why they'd stopped. A voice in the distance gave an authoritative command but I couldn't quite hear what was said. People around me started murmuring and whispering - there was a change in the tone of the crowd. I heard a woman ask, "What is the master going to say to him?" Him? Who did she mean? Someone nearby muttered in frustration, "The whole crowd is stopping because that blind fool couldn't keep his mouth shut!" I don't think he cared that I heard him, but at that moment I didn't care either! Jesus had heard me! Suddenly a man was speaking to me, "The Master would like to see you. I will lead you to Him." The man took my arm and began to lead me through the crowd to the place where Jesus stood. I stumbled along slowly, my heart pounding in my chest. I was coming face to face with the Son of David!

The multitude had grown quiet, waiting to see what reaction Jesus would have to my disruptive cries. You did not need to tell me the moment I stood before Him. His very presence was one of peace and authority. I awaited His words - a rebuke, a blessing; I would take anything! He simply asked me, "What do you want Me to do for you?" My mind raced while my soul rejoiced - I was standing before the Son of God! I couldn't help the conflicting emotions of joy and desperation. My request came through a sob, "Lord, that I may receive my sight." And I will never forget His next words, "Receive your sight; your faith has made you well." Immediately my eyes were opened and I saw - the light was almost as blinding as the darkness! But the first thing my eyes rested upon was Him, Jesus, the son of God, before me! What a marvelous thing for my eyes to see Him first after being blinded for so long! And from that moment on I knew that I would follow Him...

As I pictured this story in my mind I couldn't help but be overcome with emotion. This man pushed past everything that made sense to make himself heard. He cried out against everything the world said not to do to get through to Jesus. And Jesus heard him!! And I realized that this is a common theme in the gospels. Jesus takes note of those who press through the crowd to get to him. He heeds them in their desperation! I can think of at least 4 or 5 stories where this is evident - the woman with the issue of blood, the paralytic man who was dropped through the ceiling, Zaccheus, the Centurion soldier, Jairus with his sick daughter... These people were desperate to see Jesus, to touch Him, to make a request of Him - to the point that nothing else mattered and they'd do anything they had to to get to Him! And I wonder... Where is that desperation in me?!?! It comes from a deep brokenness. And I want it. I want it more than anything.

One of Leonard Ravenhills most common sayings is "God doesn't answer prayer, he answers desperate prayer!!" (Are y'all tired of me quoting Him yet? I've listened to the same 20 sermons over and over so I've practically memorized them.) And when I first heard that I wasn't sure if I agreed with him. But now I do. It's consistent with the way that Jesus worked on this earth - Jesus responded most positively to those who were desperate for Him! I want to be broken so that out of that brokenness I can cry out in desperation for Him! In desperation not letting anything anyone says hinder me! In desperation lifting my voice above the noise and chaos of this world to be heard by Him! In desperation pushing aside my pride, not caring how foolish I look! In desperation laying aside every care for anything else buy Him to cry out!

God make me broken and desperate for you..


melissa lynn said...

Wow. I can relate to your cry for brokenness and desperation. Thank you for your comment. I'd love to talk more to you. And you aren't a stranger, you're a sister in Christ. my email is melkrieger@yahoo.com Thanks.

Rebekah said...

bekah that i nevert thought of about that story your a great thinker

love rebekah aka smileyface

Rebekah said...

oh and bekah i beleive your beginning to love leornard ravenhill

none said...

wow. my heart started beating so quickly as i read, and envisioned the account. i long for that kind of brokeness! sister, i'll be praying for you! that no matter what, you'll never lose that strive to be broken; and you're right! don't care if the world, or even those who call themselves "Christians" think you look foolish in your desperation. Just pray that they too will one day realize their own desperate need for desperation!