100th Post
It seems appropriate to me that on this memorable day I should make some sort of statement, or take this moment to reflect a little bit...
First off, apparently there are a few people reading my blog who I don't know. I know this is the Internet, and I guess it shouldn't surprise me, but I have to admit it's a little freakish to suddenly be getting comments from total strangers, when the people I know don't even comment on my blog anymore. And it really got me thinking last night - Why do I blog?
At first it was because it was a good way to keep in touch with my friends, to know what was going on in their lives, etc. Visiting "blog world" was like participating in a big conversation where everyone talked about the things God was doing individually and corporately through the body of Christ, and it all tied together somehow. The Holy Spirit was speaking the same thing all across the board and we could come here and converse about it through comments and posts. It was really neat. I don't know when or how, but that changed. And that kinda makes me sad. What happened to that? Really guys, I want an answer.
Then it was like for a season there the blogs just "died". Did anyone else notice that? There was (and still are) those who just stopped blogging all that often. Why? What happened? The Lord didn't stop speaking, did He? Really, I want to know. There must be a reason, because the change of subject on the blogs has been a little drastic from what it used to be. And that's not bad. It just makes me curious as to why..
I look back on some of my old posts and the first word that comes to my mind is "Carnal". That scares me. So that brings me to now. Why am I blogging now? What is this blog for? I've spent some time thinking about it. I made a choice a little over a month ago that I didn't want to post "stuff" anymore. If I'm going to say something here I want it to be of substance. And I think I've held to that commitment.. but to what end? For what purpose? I don't want to give the impression that I'm blogging to gain a response, because I'm not. I don't post the things I do to get an accolade from anyone. I just want to share my heart. Sure, this is a creative outlet at times. But what about the rest of it? I'm pouring out my heart here guys.. And it just puzzles me that strangers have more to say about it than people I know and love. To be totally honest, I've struggled with this. I hesitate to bring the things I put on here to home church because if there is little to no response here, it makes me wonder what will happen when I speak these things publicly? It's a little discouraging. I really don't know what to do y'all. I'm going to be praying about whether or not I should keep this thing going. Because I want everything I do to bear fruit...
And just so you know, the questions in this post aren't rhetorical.
(G.I.F.T. girls, y'all can ignore this. Love y'all and don't forget to study Daniel 2!!)
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I haven't encouraged you as a sister in Christ. I'm sorry I didn't let you know that I thought the revelations you've been given are powerful. I'm sorry I haven't let you know that I've seen the change in you and that I'm glad for it. I'm glad for the hunger you've been given. I'm glad that God is doing such a great work in you. I can't wait to see where he takes you.
That said, the things you've said have challenged me. In a good way. Sometimes I just don't know how to gather my thoughts to even say anything more than "that's good!".
So please forgive me. I'll try to do better.
I am with you I don't need to write something down to get approval are applauses of men it's really just like a stamp a seal of truley knowing and putting into words what I know the Spirit is saying. A big thing for me right now is knowing What the Spirit says and not being persuaded by mens ideas or opionions. The grass whithers the flowers fade but the Word...
...But the Word of the Lord stands forever!
I know that the things I put on here I'll write anyway - I communicate something the Lord is showing me better after I've written it down/typed it out. The thought is more "complete", ya know??
I'm not looking for apologies from anyone though. I'm just wondering - what happened to our blogs being evidence that we all have the same Holy Spirit..?? Do y'all get that? It used to happen all the time. And now I can't remember the last time it did.. Maybe it's just me. I miss that.
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