Friday, November 16, 2007

First Frost

I am aware that I have not posted anything of substance lately, and for this I do apologize. I haven't felt particularly inspired, but I promise I will - soon! The Shooks gave me a CD with some awesome scripture centered songs on it and I'm going to post about it soon. (Hmmm.. I like this font much better 2 sizes smaller.)

If you are fortunate enough to live in semi-rural South Louisiana then you know we experienced our first real, true frost of the "winter" this morning. The kind that coats my car in a thin layer of ice. As usual, I dumped half a glass of tap water on my front and back windshields this morning to melt it but found it made it worse! My back defroster was working quite nicely until I doused it. The added water only created a thicker layer of ice that the defroster struggled to melt.

But despite my lack of rear vision I thoroughly enjoyed my drive out of the country this morning. As I drove onto Blackwater Road the sun was just peeking over the trees turning open land into a world of sparkling white. It's the closest thing to snow that we get here, without all the hassle of shoveling. You could tell no one was prepared for the frigid temperatures this morning just by looking at the rooflines. Every roof was entirely covered in frost. When the interior is heated the roofs are framed by an edge of white. We have yet to light our heater yet and probably won't for another month, if I know my father. The house will be warmed with humidity - a large pot of water left to boil gently through the night. I plan on adding different fragrant oils to it this year to give the house a more festive scent.

I almost can't wait until artificial scent is no longer necessary due to the fresh pine filling the living room. I can hardly believe that in only a weeks time Christmas will be out in full swing! But first I get to savor the traditions of Thanksgiving and the memories that surround it. Sadly this year, memories will be all that's surrounding us as none of our family will be visiting this year. I'll be posting more on that as the day approaches.

MMmmmmmm... The holidays put me in the best mood.
(I plan to add a photo to this when I get home this afternoon. Somebody remind me to if I forget.)

1 comment:

Elisabeth said...

Make sure you post a photo :D hee hee.

It has been snowing the past couple days... Nothing that has really stuck to the ground but it is still snow. I can 't wait for Christmas! I love Christmas.