Thursday, February 07, 2008

Jesus Loves the Little Children

NOT for young readers!

**** If you're 13 and under I am strictly warning you not to watch this video without your parents permission. It has some graphic images of emaciated and wounded children.

Jesus Loves the Little Children

I would've posted the actual video to my blog but it wouldn't let me do it and emphasize the above warning as much as I wanted to. So view the video at your own discretion.

I heard about this video or one similar to it this weekend while reading this booklet on What's ridiculous is that Christian Americans could completely eliminate this problem if they would only excercise a little bit of self-restraint. I encourage you all to visit that link and read the booklet. Regardless of whether or not you read it though, you'll be hearing from me on this issue quite a bit in the coming weeks.

If Jesus really does love the little children, and we're supposed to be as Christ on the earth.... what does our inaction say to the world?

1 comment:

Michael Cooper said...

pretty rough video. the world needs Jesus.