Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
Press Toward the Goal
This is a poem Len Ravenhill quoted. He didn't give the title or author.
My goal is God, Himself, not joy, not peace
Not even blessing, but Himself, my God
Tis His to lead me there, not mine, but His
At any cost Lord, by any road
So faith bounds forward to its' goal in God
And love can trust, O Lord, to lead her there
Upheld by Him my soul will follow hard
Til God has last fulfilled my deepest prayer
No matter if the way be sometimes dark
No matter if the cost be often great
He knoweth how I best shall reach the mark
The way that leads to Him must need be straight
One thing I know, I cannot say Him "nay"
One thing I do, I press toward my Lord
My God, my glory here from day to day
And in the glory there my great reward
I couldn't say it any better, and trust me, I've tried.
Posted by
Rebekah Hope
1:58 PM
Thursday, January 24, 2008
The Way of the Fire
Happy New Year! I know that’s more than just a little late, but it’s relevant to what I want to talk about. If you’re a part of our local body then you’ve prob’ly heard it said many times that this is “The Year of New Beginnings” as well as “The Year of Proclamation”. And I can testify that both have already begun. I think there are new beginnings in my life because I’m being put in a place to proclaim. They’re intertwined, at least in my case.
I took the first step without fear
I didn’t see the danger of what His stream could do
And then I felt the undertow
Of all the things I asked for coming true
It’s the way of the fire
Just one step into the flame
It’s the way of the fire
He starts consuming everything
And it’s all gonna burn
I’m refined and strengthened by
The way of the fire
Now, in reference to the song quoted above. I can’t tell you for how long I’ve prayed for the Lord to burn up the things in me that do not glorify Him. It’s a constant cry of my heart, one that I hope will never cease. Again He has proven Himself faithful to a fault! He will always do what we’ve asked Him to. But I don’t think I really have to tell you that. The light is getting brighter and the fire is growing hotter and spreading in my life.
But instead of pulling away from the heat as I’ve done before I’ve stubbornly dug my heels in to do the work that needs doing. God is teaching me things I should’ve learned a long time ago. I’m learning to be silent when it’s hard. I’m learning how to bear things patiently, quietly. There is a joy that comes through pain and brokenness that is unlike any other! I’m seeing my heart change even though none of my circumstances are changing, which builds my faith! There isn’t always peace in my surroundings, but I have a peace within that no one can take away! I know that sounds like a long list of “Christian clichés”, but I mean it sincerely.
Jesus told the disciples at one point that He would send the comforter – who we know as the Holy Spirit. But Leonard Ravenhill points out that the word “comforter” there doesn’t mean a nursing mother for crying babes, but is translated, “with strength or power”. I thought that was really interesting considering that seems to be exactly what He’s giving to me – comfort in His strength. As many times as I’ve wanted to say, “I can’t handle this anymore!” in the past few weeks, I know that isn’t true. His grace never runs out. That’s something I’ve always known in my head, something I know I’ve told other people in their fiery trials, but never had to walk out in faith... until now.
So anyway, I just wanted to share with y’all what’s been going on in my life lately. I know this is just a vague summary and long overdue, but truth be told I never know quite what to say in the midst of these things!
And for those of you who want a sneak preview of what’s to come, God’s really been speaking to some of us about the true meaning of being a disciple, or discipline. So be expecting to hear from me on that soon!
Posted by
Rebekah Hope
3:25 PM