Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Counted Among the Dimwits

We've been reading in the book of Mark lately. One thing that I've noticed over and over is how often it notes that Jesus pulls his disciples aside to teach them privately - away from the crushing crowds. Often He began to teach them concerning His death and ressurrection. We're all familiar with the scripture - Mark 8:32-33

He spoke this word openly. Then Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him. But when He had turned around and looked at His disciples, He rebuked Peter saying, "Get behind Me, Satan! For you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men."

Jesus made a point of publicly rebuking Peter. He made sure all of the disciples heard it - I'm sure because they all were cheering Peter for saying the things they dared not. Peter, being the outspoken one of them, I can imagine was probably nominated for the job. And as usual Jesus knew their hearts better than they did. He accuses them of earthly mindedness. I can imagine that at this point Jesus was a little frustrated with these men. This wasn't the first time they'd exposed their earthly minds. Time and again Jesus rebuked them for not understanding the words He spoke in parables or for their lack of faith.

Think about it. These men forsook everything to follow Jesus. They'd performed miracles in His name and listened to His teachings day in and out. But it made no difference in changing their minds. Look at chapter 8: 15-18
Then He charged them saying, "Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod." And they reasoned among themselves saying, "It is because we have no bread." But Jesus, being aware of it, said to them, "Why do you reason because you have no bread? Do you not yet perceive nor understand? Is your heart still hardened? Having eyes do you not see? And having ears, do you not hear?

Here Jesus tells them they are blind and hard-hearted! If they had been heavenly minded I think they would have seen and understood Jesus meaning - that He was trying to warn them against religion and hypocrisy. Please feel free to correct me, but am I wrong in thinking that earthly mindedness is equivalent to blindness? If we are earthly minded we will not see or hear the things that the Lord is trying to show us. We will be utterly blind to His revelation. The disciples walked in the blindness until Jesus last days on this earth. How many times did He pull them aside to teach them about His death and ressurection?? And were they expectant of it? Not at all!! Some even doubted until they actually saw Him risen.

It made me wonder - how earthly minded am I? Which also makes me ask - am I blinded?? Blinded to the things that He is trying to reveal to me?? Blindness is a judgement on those who refuse to walk in the light! I do not want that judgement on myself! I want to walk in the clear light of His word - able to hear His voice and obey! I don't want to be counted among the dimwits who didn't understand... But I'm afraid that far too often I am.

A chapter later in the book of Mark Jesus approaches a group of people who are bickering with the disciples. They're trying to cast a demon out of a mans' son and they can't do it... Even here their lack of faith, their unbelief hinders them. So the boys father cries out to Jesus, with tears, "Lord I believe; help my unbelief!" That man had more wisdom and understanding than those who walked with Jesus on a daily basis! His son was healed, even out of his inadequate faith. Those disciples must've felt pretty stupid! But they were blind to their error...

God I pray that if I am blind to my own stupidity, rip off the blinders. I want to be mindful of the things of You, not the things of this world!! Change my thinking! Change my heart!!! Help my unbelief Father! May my soul cry out to you.... God I can't thank you enough for your everlasting patience, your mercy! That even though I have the Holy Spirit, I'm still stubborn and earthly minded. I cannot even begin to understand the fathoms of your grace, but I am so thankful for them.. Holy God do not cease your work in my heart and mind to conform them to yours...

1 comment:

none said...

Oh! Amen sister! I know all too well what you're talking about. You made me look a little deeper at scripture and realize a few things. :D I'm so thankful for the brethren! I'm reading this giong, "how did she know?!?" LOL. :D