Sunday, March 09, 2008

I Miss Real Blogging... Still.

I just spent the last 10 minutes looking over the past year or two of Laurens blog trying to find a quote she'd put up there from The Martyrs Prayer that is no longer there. At least I would swear it was her.. for some reason it's not there. Anyway.. It just made me ache. Somewhere deep inside me. A little pang remembering the innocence of youth.... Okay so maybe you all know I like to dramaticize things a bit too much. Haha.. It's just.. wow.. where are the days where we all actually had time for these things?? When did we get so busy that we just let it go? When did I get so careful that I couldn't even just stop by to pour out a few thoughts and ponderings for my friends to wonder with me on? Does that even make sense? When did I make this rule that everything I put on here has to be well thought out and planned and there has to be hours of contemplation and notes on it?? I've had this Keith Green song on my heart all week long.. did I put it on here? No. Why not? Why can't I just stop here for a few minutes?

You know what the problem really is though... I miss fellowship. And I'm not saying that Sunday morning's at Bob's isn't fellowship! This Sunday was GREAT! Time spent in communion with the Lord together is so refreshing. Those moments of content silence... everyone's bellies full on one of my favorite meals... It was wonderful! But I miss that spontaneous fellowship that we used to have all the time. Anywhere, anytime, whether on the phone, or across an invisible internet connection, or in the grocery store, or what-ever! I guess a big part of that is my fault. It's my responsibility to my brothers and sisters in the Lord to make that happen. I miss you guys. Amber, Holly, Jamie, even Lauren, Penny, Kandi, Nan, the Jacksons entire Home Church, Deanna to name a few... And I don't even think half of you read this but I want you to know that I'm thinking of you. And you still hold a very special place in my heart.... I don't know why I'm even writing this. I guess as a challenge to myself to MAKE it happen this week. To really sow some time and effort into rebuilding relationships that I've let fall to the wayside. To put aside my own agenda and really show my friends that I love them. We talked about it this morning.. laying down your life for your friend.. I don't think I get it. It's not just being willing to jump in front of a train for someone, but actually putting aside your own life and investing in theirs. I want to know the things that God is showing y'all. I want you to know what the Lord is doing in me!! I miss that constant witness of the spirit that builds my faith so much!!

So it's not really the blogging that I miss as much as the people - the involvement in each others lives. I'm resolving here and now to change that.

FYI this is the first post I'm making from me and Jordans new computer!!!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Is it this quote?
"We are going to see increasing opposition to the Gospel message in days to come in America because the Gospel message is going to become increasingly biblical, the Gospel message is going to become increasingly radical and revolutionary, and the Gospel message is going to become a threat to this world system. The Gospels going to become and increasing threat to worldliness and materialism and greed and the gods of sports, entertainment, fashion. The Gospel is going to become an increasing threat to the rising time of satanism and false religions. And the results will be the same as in the book of Acts...uproar, persecution, and great moving of God."