Monday, May 07, 2007

Emily Post - Sweet words of wisdom

Here are some things to ponder on as you pick out and sign Mothers day cards for the special women in your life. Remember that Mothers day is May 13th! Don't limit yourself to just your mother. They make cards to give to everyone now. Send them to your Sisters, Grandmothers, good friends who are mothers, etc. It's a lot of fun, I think.

On writing letters~

{For Ending a letter}“Affectionately yours,"“Always affectionately,"“Affectionately,"“Devotedly,"“Lovingly,"“Your loving" are in increasing scale of intimacy. “Lovingly" is much more intimate than “Affectionately” and so is “Devotedly.”

Anger in a letter carries with it the effect of solidified fury; the words spoken in reproof melt with the breath of the speaker once the cause is forgiven. The written words on the page fix them for eternity. Love in a letter endures likewise forever.

The letter we all love to receive is one that carries so much of the writer’s personality that she seems to be sitting beside us, looking at us directly and talking just as she really would, could she have come on a magic carpet, instead of sending her proxy in ink-made characters on mere paper.

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