It was a dark and
stormy night... Three young adventurers were preparing for their next quest. The quest for the ultimate practical joke that will stamp itself on Thanksgiving memories for years to come. The smell of death loomed near in the form of a blonde wagging tail. But these adventursome girls were not going into the night unarmed. Their arsenal consisted of 6 perloined campaign signs, 1 large TurDanny banner, and 1,152 pastel plastic missles that were destined to make thier way to pines of Shady Allen Grove. They pressed past the fog of horrible scent to the safety of the vehicle and departed.

The roads were slick as they drove through the mist to their dark destination. The time was well past midnight and all in the house was still. As silently as they could the girls retrieved their supplies and began the attack. They charged headlong into their task by forming a line of missles across

the middle of the yard. From there they began to scatter them further and further, encroaching on the very edge of enemy lines. In the beginning it didn't look as though they had enough ammunition to make much of an effect, but as they persevered they discovered that there was indeed sufficient supply!
Before they knew it their mission was complete.

The three young adventurers smiled slyly and crept away just as their presence was alerted by the fierce night watchmen who was caged nearby. Yet another successful endeavor that will go down in the records of prank history as "The Day the Turkey Came".
(See Jordan and Hollys' blogs for further pictures)
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