Monday, September 18, 2006


Everyone keeps buggin' me about posting. So here is my honest effort. Since I'm the only one who, up to this point, felt it necessary to post something supremely meaningful every time... I'm just going to tell you the miscellaneous events of the past few days. Beginning with Saturday. Or really... sometime last week... just because it's funny.

At work: one day last week we had this lady come in and ask if her little girl could meet "the muffin man".. She'd been listening to the song; you know how it says "Do you know the muffin man??". Well the little girl told her mommy "I don't know the muffin man!!" So a very reluctant James gave a little girl and muffin and a smile.

Have you ever had super fresh sour gummi worms??? OH MY goodness! It makes such a difference! They were all soft and extra stretchy... mmmmm... One of my co-workers picked some of the red stuff out of all the different kinds of candy we got in and made her own personal little bag of it. We also got some "rum balls".. before I even knew what they were I was dared to try them. They looked exactly like the truffles Jordan made. But YUCK! I can't even describe how nasty it was.

Saturday while driving home from work in traffic I realized how disgustingly dirty my mouth was, I didn't have any water, and it was driving me nuts.. so I'm sitting there wiping my teeth with a napkin, when I realize the problem is that my toungue is just.. gross... (I have one of those tounge cleaning toothbrushes. I'm spoiled. And I'm about to humiliate myself.) So the only thing I could find to clean it was the lid to a pringles can... I'm sitting there scraping my tounge when I look to my left and see that I have a very attentive audience who are staring and laughing... I couldn't help it.. I laughed too. I could only imagine what I looked like.

I need to go get some new blue jeans. I only have one pair and they're too big. Oh yeah, BJ wore new pants Sunday.. I forgot to tell him we noticed. They were cool. Jacob tried to get someone to give him $40.. hahaha.. We played Scattergories and Jordan and I beat everybody!!

So anyway... that's all I have to say for now!


Boogerface said...

Thanks for finally updating. My goodness! And I've had those pants (those and some gray jeans) for about a month now. And, come on, Pringles can? I would have laughed. Pointed and laughed. . .

Rebekah Hope said...

For some reason my email is dumping all of my comment notification stuff into the junk. So I've gone all this time thinking no one's commented on my blog.

And it was the LID to a Pringles can. Yeah.. I woulda pointed and laughed too.. I'm beginning to wish that my car had tinted windows..